Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mod. 5

I feel that my colleagues have been a great support for me because they were there to help me find resources for my plan. I asked about how to get free books for my children in the center and got some great websites to look up. I did not find free books, but did get some new websites with literacy activities which were added to my plan.

I feel that I have supported my colleagues by being a listener of their ideas and giving my feedback to them.

I hope that everyone does well with their advocacy plans and I hope that everyone will continue to be an advocate for the children, their families and their profession. I feel that when you are in early childhood you need to be an advocate because early childhood is never taken seriously.

Good luck to everyone!   Thanks for your support throughout this course.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mod. 4 blog

I really don't have any questions or concerns at this point in the assignment. I feel that I have everything in place.

I am however, looking for a resource with free stuff such as books or anything else that could be used for early literacy. This is something that I would like to give each child who participates in the family read night.

The resources that I have found that have been insightful has been the family fun website (, and These websites had some good articles that I was able to use to prepare for my fact sheet.

Monday, May 14, 2012

What inspires me about being an advocate is that I can change the way parents spend time with their child. My plan may make it more beneficial for them once they see and hear why they should spend time with their child.

The challenges I feel related to engaging in my advocacy effort is, will the parents take this seriously or will they just toss it a side like everything else they read. I have a feeling that half of the parents may take it seriously and half will not. The half that will not are the ones that need to take it seriously. This will be a challenge to get them to see the importance.

I believe the most effective way to overcome my challenge will be in the way my advocacy plan is presented and executed. If I make it eye catching and the parents and the child get something in return, it may make it more interesting or inviting for them.

I can encourage others in their advocacy efforts by telling them to never give up, your voice will eventually be heard.

I liked this quote that I found:
"Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth."
William Faulkner

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Children First-Thoughts by Libby Canady

Children First-Thoughts by Libby Canady

I wanted to say thank you for the advice that you gave me about discipline. You said to tell the children my expectations of them before we start class. Well it has worked and I keep reminding them of the expectations through out the day. Thanks for your advice.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A note of thanks

I just want to say thank you to all of my colleagues for your advice on many things. It has helped me a lot. I really appreciated the advice on discipline. As many of you know this has been a struggle for me this school year. But with your expert advice, I have been able to controll my class again. Thanks again for your advice and I wish everyone the best of luck! I know that I can not wait to graduate, it seems like it has taken me for ever. I would like to keep in touch with my colleagues even after we graduate.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Observing and Interacting with Families | Jacquelyn Watts-Kinchen's Interning Experiences

Observing and Interacting with Families Jacquelyn Watts-Kinchen's Interning Experiences
The teacher did the right thing by advocating now for the child rather than later.
It is good to hear that this went well. I am sure the grandparents really did not know where to start.
I see this a lot, the parent or caregiver really has no idea where to start with help until they ask. Sometimes when they ask it is too late.


It sounds like you have done a great deal of talking to get the interest going. Way to advocate! You have probably been talking to the school about this, but until the school hears it from a group of parents will anything be done about this. What an opportunity for these children. Good job!